Infusionsoft vs. Salesforce

September 27, 2021

Infusionsoft vs. Salesforce: Which One is Right for You?

Are you wondering which marketing automation software is the best match for your business? Today, we'll compare two of the most popular options: Infusionsoft and Salesforce.


Infusionsoft is an all-in-one platform designed for small businesses. It includes marketing automation, CRM, sales pipeline management, and e-commerce features, among others.


  • Intuitive interface that's easy to use
  • High level of customization
  • Built-in e-commerce capabilities
  • Strong focus on small business needs


  • High entry price point
  • Limited integration options
  • Fewer reporting features than other options


Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM platform with marketing automation capabilities. It's a popular choice for enterprise-level businesses.


  • Advanced reporting capabilities
  • Extensive integrations with other tools
  • Scalable for large and complex businesses
  • AI and machine learning features


  • Steep learning curve
  • Higher ongoing costs than some other options
  • Limited built-in marketing automation features

Infusionsoft vs. Salesforce: Comparing Features

Feature Infusionsoft Salesforce
Marketing ✔ Automate campaigns and create landing pages ✔ Create personalized journeys and track customer behavior
Sales Management ✔ Manage leads, deals, and quotes ✔ View all customer interactions in a single dashboard
E-commerce ✔ Sell and fulfill orders online ✔ Integrate with e-commerce platforms and automate order management
Reporting ❌ Limited reporting features ✔ Advanced analytics and custom reports
Integrations ❌ Limited integration options ✔ Extensive API and third-party integrations
Support ✔ Phone, email, and chat support ✔ Community forums, knowledge base, and 24/7 phone, email, and chat support
Pricing 💰 Starting at $200/month 💰 Starting at $25/month/user (plus additional costs for add-ons and features)


Infusionsoft and Salesforce are both powerful marketing automation tools, but they have different target audiences. If you're a small business looking for a comprehensive solution, Infusionsoft might be the right choice. However, if you're an enterprise-level business with complex needs and a larger budget, Salesforce could be the better option.

As with any marketing automation software, it's important to evaluate your business needs and budget before making a decision. We hope this comparison has helped you narrow down your options and make an informed choice.


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